Unit 3 Upstream part 1 - Unit 3 Upstream part 1 - Zestaw słówek do nauki języka angielskiego.

Słówko po angielsku:Słówko po polsku:
transitionprzemiana, przej¶cie
vocationzawód, zajêcie
discontentedniezadowolony; dissatisfied
tandem jumpskok spadochronowy z instruktorem
snap out of sthwzi±æ siê w gar¶æ, rozchmurzyæ siê
proprietoran owner; w³a¶ciciel
extend an ainvitationzaprosiæ; to invite
anticipationniecierpliwe oczekiwanie, przewidywanie
conciliatoryugodowy, pojednawczy
compliantus³u¿ny, uleg³y
fulfilzaspokoiæ, spe³niæ
bitternessfeeling of dissapointing and anger
estrangementoziêbienie stosunków
dotingshowing a lot of love for sb else; czu³y
confirmedzatwardzia³y, na³ogowy
absent-mindedroztargniony,not paying enough attention
resentmentfeeling of bitterness and anger
happy-go-luckycarefree; niefrasobliwy, beztroski
blood relativesb related to you by birth
relative by marriagesb related to you by marriage
niecesiostrzenica, bratanica
half brotherbrat przyrodni
proffesional prospectsperspektywy zawodowe
dismalfatalny; sad,depressing
miserygreat unhappiness; niedola
frown uponto disapprove of sth
deprivednot having the essential things in life
prone to sthfrequently affected by sth bad
embark on/upon sthto start doing sth new or difficult
vulnerablewra¿liwy, bezbronny
hardshipbieda, trudno¶ci
self-appointedgiving oneself a position of leader without asking anyone or being chosen
self-denyingsk³onny do wyrzeczeñ
self-obsessedspending only about oneself
self-righteousconvinced one is right&others are wrong
self-destructivehurting oneself
self-indulgent/indulgencepampering oneself
self-confessedadmitting openly to one what is&views
pamperspoil; rozpieszczaæ, dogadzaæ
self-awaresamokrytyczny; conscious of oneself
self-disciplinedabletocontrol|onslf|withoutbeingtold so
self-conscioustimid, shy, diffident
self-centrednot caring about what sb else want to do
self-reliantable to cope on one's own;samodzielny
self-confidentself-assured, having high self-esteem
endureto last; to suffer patiently
easeto alleviate
swinga big and sudden change;nag³a zmiana,skok
superficialpowierzchowny, p³ytki
close-knitz¿yty; having a very strong between?
heartfeltdeep or sincere; p³yn±cy prosto z serca
stick togethertrzymaæ siê razem;stay%support with e/o